General Applicant

Saint Anthony, United States

This job posting is a general posting for Blue Alpine LLC and is not necessarily for any specific or actual job. If you are interested in working with us but we don't have any other jobs posted feel free to apply here. It may take some time to get back to you or for an actual position to open up. This job post is mostly just a repository for us to we can keep track of people who are interested. 

Feel free to watch this video showing our manufacturing.

Customer Relationship
Personal Evolution
Administrative Work
Technical Expertise


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Must Have

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Nice to have

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What's great in the job?

  • Great team of smart people, in a friendly and open culture
  • No dumb managers, no stupid tools to use
  • Real responsibilities and challenges in a fast evolving company

What We Offer

Each employee has a chance to see the impact of his work. You can make a real contribution to the success of the company.


10 paid holidays per year for full time non-intern employees. 


We offer competitive salaries for the East Idaho area. 

Mom Shift

We offer part time mom shifts for those that still have little ones at home. 

Eat & Drink

We buy lunch for everyone every Friday.